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The Battle for Liferné

The Battle for Liferné

Wydawnictwo Progressive Rising Phoenix Press LLC
Data wydania 31/05/2018
Forma publikacji eBook: Reflowable eTextbook (ePub)
Język angielski
ISBN 9781946329721
licencja wieczysta
Produkt dostępny on-line
Typ przesyłki: wysyłka kodu na adres e-mail
zamówienie z obowiązkiem zapłaty
Do schowka

Opis książki

Breaking free from the fear that drained Jacob’s life was just the first step toward freedom from the solitary existence he had endured for most of his life. Now Jacob and his friend, the griffin named Shadow, find themselves on a new world where King Pontis has imprisoned Cecilia, the true Queen, and imposed his oppressive regime on the inhabitants of the once inclusive world. As Jacob and Shadow take up the fight for their lives and the lives of the oppressed people of Liferné, they discover an even more dangerous enemy looming – an enemy dedicated to eradicating all life on Liferné. Not even Pontis, with his Elite army, can defeat this enemy. Jacob and Shadow’s race to restore Cecilia to the throne turns into a race to save the entire world. Caleb Monroe’s exciting sequel to Breaking Free will leave the reader spellbound as Jacob and Shadow struggle to overthrow Pontis and his Elite, rescue Cecilia, and protect Liferné from a vicious and unrelenting enemy.

The Battle for Liferné

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