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With Paper for Feet

With Paper for Feet

Wydawnictwo Ingram Publisher Services UK - Trade
Data wydania 17/04/2020
Wydanie Pierwsze
Forma publikacji eBook: Reflowable eTextbook (ePub)
Język angielski
ISBN 9781913665081
Kategorie Poezja
licencja wieczysta
Produkt dostępny on-line
Typ przesyłki: wysyłka kodu na adres e-mail
zamówienie z obowiązkiem zapłaty
Do schowka

Opis książki

Drawing together Jennifer A. McGowan’s poetry of myth and folktale, and the frailties – human or otherwise – behind them, With Paper for Feet explores, mostly from a female perspective, the guts it takes to live or – often – die, un-heroically. Her characters laugh, argue, complain, suffer,
...Gold is heavy,
and chafes....
aware that more is expected of them, but unwilling to play up.

Praise for Jennifer A. McGowan’s work
...gritty thought; wit; striking candour – an unafraid recognition
of life’s richness and desolation; memorable detail; all these are
underpinned by a graceful, subtle, quite lovely way with language.
Kevin Crossley-Holland

...bedecked with wit, irony, bittersweet folly and dictional-shifts
jazzy enough to make a reader dance. Gray Jacobik

... precise, observant and deep into mythology.
Claribel Alegría

With Paper for Feet

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