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Universe Design with SAP BusinessObjects BI: The Comprehensive Guide

Universe Design with SAP BusinessObjects BI: The Comprehensive Guide

Publisher Rheinwerk Verlag
Year 27/01/2014
Pages 729
Version hardback
Language English
ISBN 9781592299010
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Book description

Are you the master of your UNX universes? Written for design novices and experts alike, this comprehensive resource spans universe creation to universe publication. You'll learn to build single- and multisource data foundations and business layers and to convert UNV to UNX using the new Information Design Tool (as well as explore its important features and functionalities). Up to date for SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.1, this book offers the step-by-step instructions and guiding screenshots you need to design universes for the world.

Topic Highlights
- Semantic layer
- Information Design Tool
- Universe installation
- Multisource data foundations
- BI projects
- Authentication modes
- Business layer
- Query Panels
- Publishing and retrieving universes
- Shared resources
- Universe security
- Universes and SAP HANA Highlights include: Semantic layer Information Design Tool Multidimensional universes Connections, data foundations, and business layers Federating data with multisource universes Query panels Publishing and retrieving universes Shared resources Universe security Multilingual universes Connecting with SAP ERP, SAP NetWeaver BW, and SAP HANA

Universe Design with SAP BusinessObjects BI: The Comprehensive Guide

Table of contents

Preface ... 23

Acknowledgments ... 27

1. Introduction to the Semantic Layer ... 29

1.1 ... What Is a Semantic Layer? ... 29

1.2 ... A Well-Designed Semantic Layer ... 33

1.3 ... Semantic Layer Components ... 35

1.4 ... Deploying the Semantic Layer in SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 ... 42

1.5 ... SAP BusinessObjects BI Applications that Consume the Semantic Layer ... 44

1.6 ... Summary ... 53

2. Introduction to Information Design Tool ... 55

2.1 ... Installing Information Design Tool ... 56

2.2 ... Getting Started ... 58

2.3 ... Information Design Tool Interface ... 62

2.4 ... Help ... 67

2.5 ... Preferences ... 71

2.6 ... Data Preview ... 77

2.7 ... Summary ... 83

3. Local and Shared Projects ... 85

3.1 ... Authoring Resources in Local Project ... 86

3.2 ... Managing Local Projects ... 91

3.3 ... CMS Repository ... 96

3.4 ... Managing Sessions ... 102

3.5 ... Shared Projects ... 106

3.6 ... Managing Shared Resources ... 109

3.7 ... Summary ... 115


Connecting to Data Sources ... 117

4.1 ... Data Sources Typology ... 117

4.2 ... Connection Persistence ... 123

4.3 ... Authentication Modes ... 127

4.4 ... Client and Server Deployment ... 133

4.5 ... Connection Parameters ... 137

4.6 ... Managing Connections ... 141

4.7 ... Data Preview ... 150

4.8 ... Summary ... 155

5. The Data Foundation ... 157

5.1 ... Creating a Data Foundation ... 159

5.2 ... Identifying Tables, Columns, and Keys ... 162

5.3 ... Identifying Joins, Keys, and Cardinalities ... 169

5.4 ... Derived Tables ... 184

5.5 ... Calculated Columns ... 191

5.6 ... Solving Loops (Alias Tables, Contexts, Shortcut Joins) ... 194

5.7 ... Chasm Traps and Fan Traps ... 206

5.8 ... List of Values ... 212

5.9 ... Parameters ... 218

5.10 ... The SQL Editor ... 223

5.11 ... Built-in Functions ... 226

5.12 ... Families, Comments, and Data Foundation Views ... 231

5.13 ... Data Foundation Search Panel ... 238

5.14 ... Data Foundation Editor ... 243

5.15 ... Checking Integrity ... 260

5.16 ... Previewing Data ... 267

5.17 ... Data Foundation Refresh Structure ... 269

5.18 ... Showing Dependencies ... 274

5.19 ... Data Foundation Parameters ... 277

5.20 ... Summary ... 282

6. Multisource Data Foundations ... 285

6.1 ... The Federation Technology ... 286

6.2 ... Multisource Data Foundations ... 290

6.3 ... Working with a Multisource Data Foundation ... 294

6.4 ... Federated Tables ... 301

6.5 ... Multisource Scenarios ... 334

6.6 ... Data Federation Administration Tool ... 344

6.7 ... Optimization Techniques ... 349

6.8 ... Summary ... 358

7. The Business Layer ... 361

7.1 ... The Business Layer Objectives ... 361

7.2 ... Creating the Business Layer ... 363

7.3 ... Objects ... 376

7.4 ... Folders ... 378

7.5 ... Dimensions ... 379

7.6 ... Attributes ... 387

7.7 ... Measures and Calculated Measures ... 391

7.8 ... Calculated Members ... 399

7.9 ... Named Sets ... 403

7.10 ... Analysis Dimensions ... 406

7.11 ... Hierarchies ... 408

7.12 ... Levels ... 410

7.13 ... List of Values ... 411

7.14 ... Parameters ... 423

7.15 ... Filters and Mandatory Filters ... 431

7.16 ... Navigation Paths ... 435

7.17 ... Index Awareness ... 439

7.18 ... Aggregate Awareness ... 441

7.19 ... SQL and MDX Editors ... 447

7.20 ... Object Common Properties ... 453

7.21 ... Object Formatting ... 461

7.22 ... Business Layer Queries ... 464

7.23 ... Built-in Functions ... 466

7.24 ... Business Layer Views ... 473

7.25 ... Business Layer Functionalities ... 476

7.26 ... Check Integrity ... 486

7.27 ... Show Dependencies ... 492

7.28 ... Business Layers Built on Multisource Data Foundations ... 495

7.29 ... Multidimensional Business Layer Refresh Structure ... 497

7.30 ... Business Layer Parameters and Query Governors ... 500

7.31 ... Recommendations for Building a Business Layer ... 507

7.32 ... Summary ... 508

8. Universe Query Panel ... 511

8.1 ... The Query Panel Interface ... 512

8.2 ... Creating Queries ... 516

8.3 ... Setting and Answering Prompts ... 530

8.4 ... Setting the Query Properties ... 536

8.5 ... Advanced Functionalities ... 538

8.6 ... Summary ... 546

9. Publishing and Retrieving Universes ... 547

9.1 ... Publishing a Universe Locally ... 548

9.2 ... Publishing a Universe in a CMS Repository ... 551

9.3 ... Retrieving a Local Universe ... 556

9.4 ... Retrieving a Universe from the CMS Repository ... 558

9.5 ... Information Design Tool Workflows ... 562

9.6 ... Summary ... 569

10. Securing Universes ... 571

10.1 ... Rights ... 572

10.2 ... Object Access Level ... 577

10.3 ... Security Profiles ... 579

10.4 ... Data Security Profiles ... 581

10.5 ... Business Security Profiles ... 587

10.6 ... Security Profiles Aggregation ... 598

10.7 ... Managing Security Profiles in Information Design Tool ... 604

10.8 ... User Attributes ... 606

10.9 ... Running a Secured Query ... 608

10.10 ... Summary ... 609

11. Working in Multilingual Environments ... 611

11.1 ... Languages and Locales ... 612

11.2 ... Translation Management Tool ... 615

11.3 ... Translating Universe Metadata ... 622

11.4 ... Multilingual Data in Relational Universes ... 627

11.5 ... Multilingual and Multidimensional Universes ... 632

11.6 ... Summary ... 634

12. Connecting to SAP ERP, SAP NetWeaver BW, and SAP HANA ... 635

12.1 ... Access to SAP NetWeaver BW ... 636

12.2 ... Access to SAP ERP ... 652

12.3 ... Access to SAP HANA ... 664

12.4 ... Migrating a Universe to SAP HANA ... 681

12.5 ... Summary ... 685

13. Comparing the Universe Design Tool and Information Design Tool ... 687

13.1 ... General ... 687

13.2 ... Connections ... 689

13.3 ... Data Foundation ... 692

13.4 ... Business Layer ... 693

13.5 ... List of Values and Parameters ... 695

13.6 ... Security ... 697

13.7 ... Miscellaneous ... 704

13.8 ... Universe Conversion ... 705

13.9 ... Converting Universes in Information Design Tool ... 712

13.10 ... Summary ... 715

The Authors ... 717

Index ... 719

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