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SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence: The Comprehensive Guide

SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence: The Comprehensive Guide

Publisher Rheinwerk Verlag
Year 16/11/2017
Pages 814
Version hardback
Language English
ISBN 9781493215478
Delivery to United States

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Book description

Bring your data presentations into focus with this comprehensive guide to SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence. Updated for Webi 4.2, this book will teach you to create, design, and share your reports, while exploring the fundamentals of Webi and its extended capabilities. This fourth edition includes information on data source options for building new documents and queries, and a new HTML5-based viewing interface. Punch up your reporting and analysis!

SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence: The Comprehensive Guide

Table of contents

1 ... Introduction to SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence ... 25

1.1 ... Features of Web Intelligence 4.2 ... 26

1.2 ... Web Intelligence Clients ... 32

1.3 ... Web Intelligence Preferences ... 36

1.4 ... What's New in Web Intelligence 4.2 SP 3 and SP 4 ... 41

1.5 ... Summary ... 43

2 ... Creating New Documents and Queries ... 45

2.1 ... Creating a Web Intelligence Document from a Universe ... 45

2.2 ... The Query Panel in Web Intelligence ... 51

2.3 ... Query Filters ... 61

2.4 ... Prompted Queries ... 67

2.5 ... Saving Your Document in the BI Platform Repository ... 71

2.6 ... Other Data Sources ... 76

2.7 ... Document Options ... 89

2.8 ... Summary ... 92

3 ... Creating a Report in Web Intelligence ... 95

3.1 ... Adding Data to Report Elements ... 96

3.2 ... Sections and Breaks ... 99

3.3 ... Outline Navigation ... 105

3.4 ... Enhanced Sorting and Ranking ... 109

3.5 ... Conditional Formatting ... 118

3.6 ... Headers, Footers, and Background Images ... 122

3.7 ... Summary ... 126

4 ... The Web Intelligence Report Panel ... 129

4.1 ... The Web Intelligence Reporting Interface ... 129

4.2 ... Reporting Toolbars ... 132

4.3 ... The Side Panel ... 143

4.4 ... Report Panel ... 147

4.5 ... Report Property Categories ... 151

4.6 ... Summary ... 159

5 ... Displaying Data with Tables ... 161

5.1 ... Using Tables ... 164

5.2 ... Table Types ... 180

5.3 ... Converting Table Formats and Types ... 183

5.4 ... Blank Cells, Predefined Cells, and Comment Cells ... 185

5.5 ... Summary ... 188

6 ... Displaying Data with Charts ... 191

6.1 ... Adding Charts to a Report ... 192

6.2 ... Chart Types ... 198

6.3 ... Chart Properties ... 225

6.4 ... Zone Formatting ... 229

6.5 ... Custom Elements ... 230

6.6 ... Summary ... 234

7 ... Making an Impact with Charts ... 237

7.1 ... Properties That Enhance the Display of Data ... 238

7.2 ... Hierarchical Charting with Relational Data ... 244

7.3 ... Reports Functioning as Dashboards ... 246

7.4 ... Formatting Tips ... 248

7.5 ... Custom Color Enhancements ... 252

7.6 ... Summary ... 258

8 ... Report Properties, Tools, and Formatting ... 259

8.1 ... Formatting Report Properties ... 259

8.2 ... Document Summary ... 261

8.3 ... Navigation (Report) Map ... 265

8.4 ... Input Controls ... 266

8.5 ... Web Services Publisher ... 274

8.6 ... Available Objects (Design Mode Only) ... 277

8.7 ... Document Structures and Filters ... 279

8.8 ... Data ... 280

8.9 ... Style Sheet Modification ... 282

8.10 ... High Precision Numbers ... 287

8.11 ... Geolocalizing a Dimension ... 288

8.12 ... Summary ... 295

9 ... Filtering Data in the Query Panel and Report Panel ... 297

9.1 ... Filtering in the Query Panel ... 298

9.2 ... Complex Filtering Options ... 310

9.3 ... Filtering in the Report Panel ... 323

9.4 ... Conditionally Hiding Report Elements ... 342

9.5 ... Element Linking ... 344

9.6 ... Summary ... 350

10 ... Scope of Analysis and Drill Functionality ... 351

10.1 ... Setting the Scope of Analysis in the Query Panel ... 352

10.2 ... Drill-Down Setup in the Report Panel ... 359

10.3 ... Drilling on Tables ... 360

10.4 ... Drilling on Charts ... 366

10.5 ... Taking a Snapshot ... 370

10.6 ... Drill Options ... 371

10.7 ... Summary ... 374

11 ... Using Formulas and Variables ... 375

11.1 ... Formulas and Variables ... 376

11.2 ... Custom Grouping ... 383

11.3 ... Reporting Functions and Operators ... 386

11.4 ... Formula Syntax ... 404

11.5 ... Input, Output, and Calculation Contexts ... 407

11.6 ... References ... 414

11.7 ... Summary ... 417

12 ... Advanced Query Panel Functionalities ... 419

12.1 ... Cascading and Optional Prompts ... 420

12.2 ... Saving Prompts Answers in BI Variants ... 424

12.3 ... Querying Multidimensional Data Sources ... 427

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